On January 24, 2019 the world marked the first International Day of Education following the proclamation by the United N...
In our cause to enhance access to justice and promote human rights awareness in Tanzania, we, Legal and Human Rights Cen...
On Wednesday 23rd of January, the Embassy of Sweden signed a cooperation agreement with Legal and Human Rights Centre (L...
1) Mamlaka yaliyopitiliza anayopewa Msajili wa Vyama vya Siasa kwenye masuala ya ndani ya chama Mswada wa Mabadiliko ya...
1: The amendments grant sweeping discre5onary powers to the Registrar In essence, the proposed amendments grant the r...
Submitted to The Parliamentary Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs Submitted on January 17, 2019 Honor...
Ofisi ya Mdhibiti na Mkaguzi Mkuu wa Serikali ni ofisi ambayo imeundwa kikatiba kupitia Ibara ya 143 na 144 ya Katiba ya...
In our move to advocate for the elimination of violence against women and children in Tanzania, the Legal and Human Righ...
Kituo cha Sheri na Haki za Binadamu katika muendelezo wa kupokea na kufuatilia taarifa mbalimbali za matukio ya ukiukwaj...
In our cause to guarantee access to justice particularly for underprivileged people in the community, we - the Legal and...