We would like to inform our beneficiaries, members, partner organizations, the media, government institutions, development partners and the public on the decision to work from home as part of joining the global and national efforts to counter the spread of Corona Virus (COVID-19). It should be noted that from the time we received reports from authorities on the COVID-19 outbreak in Tanzania, we have put in place various response measures to minimize the risk to ourselves, our beneficiaries and stakeholders. Part of the responses was ceasing activities that involve gathering including but not limited to meetings, training and direct legal aid to our clients.
In all of our four offices, we conformed to all procedures as laid down by the government through the Ministry of Health to reduce the spread including enhancing office hygiene and sanitation and placement of sanitizers in all our office buildings. We also accepted the challenge of distancing and regular hand washing just to make sure the right to health is protected and guaranteed to everyone at and in contact with LHRC.
However, following the close and careful monitoring of the situation and the general development of the outbreak as per reports by the government and the international community we have arrived at an unprecedented decision to work from home. This decision is effective from March 30, 2020, to April 14, 2020; and affects all our four offices i.e. Kijitonyama Headquarters Office, Kinondoni Legal Aid Clinic, Arusha Office and Dodoma Office.
Working from home for us means we are encouraging social distancing but we will keep attending our stakeholders and beneficiaries through available digital platforms. In the same regard, we encourage the public to keep in touch with us through all available means including email, social media and our digital human rights reporting system-Haki Kiganjani. (Haki Kiganjani is available through web: https://hakikiganjani.humanrights.or.tz/sw/ripoti-tukio, SMS: 0699 695 486 and Android App).
As the uncertainty lingers, we encourage the public to continue taking precautions as directed by respective authorities. Keep washing hands regularly as advised and most importantly avoid gatherings and seek medical assistance in case of any symptoms.
We believe that 'a Human Rights Activist is Better Alive than Dead'.
Be safe!
Issued on March 29, 2020 by;
Anna Henga
Executive Director