Recommendations on Improving the Criminal Justice System in the country.

Recommendations on Improving the Criminal Justice System in the country.

Posted 2 years ago

Recommendations on Improving the Criminal Justice System in the country.

On January 6, 2023 the President of the United Republic of Tanzania, Samia Suluhu Hassan, appointed members of the committee to look on how to improve the criminal justice system in the country led by the Retired Chief Hon. Justice Othman Chande and Vice-Chairman Secretary-General retired Ambassador Ombeni Yohana Sefue.

It should be noted that,the appointment of the members of the committee is an important step for the committee to kick off its work as the President previously appointed the chairman and Vice-chairman of the committee on July 20, 2022 when she was swearing in the Inspector General of Police, (IGP) Camillus Wambura.

Legal and Human Rights Centre (LHRC) commends the continuation of the efforts aimed at improving the criminal justice system in the country. From time to time, President Samia made positive statements with the intention of making major improvements to the criminal justice system, for example in August, 2021 she was quoted by various media saying that the detention of people for a long time not only brings a burden to the Government, but is a violation of their rights In addition to that, she was quoted explaining various issues related to criminal justice along with giving various instructions to government agencies, especially the Police Force and the Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau (PCCB) to work on these issues to improve the criminal justice system in the country.

LHRC has been at the forefront in providing recommendations and alternatives through drafting of model law which provides best approach to improve the criminal justice system in the country in order to protect Human Rights in the criminal justice system.

LHRC opines with the Presidential initiative and commitment to conduct a major review of the directly related or otherwise of the entire criminal justice system in the country. This will assure protection of human rights, especially the rights of prisoners, in parallel with protecting the rights of people who depend on them, including family members, relatives and friends. Furthermore, the reforms fundamentally protect women rights, children in conflict with laws and persons with disability in custody or prison.

According to LHRC Human Rights Report, 2020 highlighted various challenges related to criminal justice, including the slow speed of investigation when suspects are in custody or in prison and delays in cases.

Report specified that for the year 2020, prisoners 1,422 were released by the Director of Prosecutions due to fabricated and trumped up charges.


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