1. Introduction.
Legal and Human Rights Centre (LHRC) is an independent, non-partisan and non-profit human
rights organization, that seeks to promote internationally recognized human rights norms and
standards in Tanzania. The organization specializes in legal and human rights monitoring,
legal aid, civic awareness, research, advocacy for policy and legal reforms.
2. Background.
Mental health issues are fundamental in safeguarding human rights. WHO statistics indicate that 7 million Tanzanians are suffering from mental health complication. Mental health is amongst the key highlighted issues in the Tanzania Human rights report 2021, threatening the right to life and the right to health. Legal aid clinics receive and attend clients who have prolonged disputes on land, labour, civil and family related matters. Number of suicide in the recent years associated with mental health issues according to the human rights report is alarming.
The effects of prolonged disputes, domestic violence and economic hardship have been a major trigger for mental health illness such as severe stress, depression, substance use and threats to commit suicide. Legal officers in different units have encountered a number of clients who manifest mental illness condition and for some time now have been raising the concern of having a psychologist/ psychosocial unit to attend clients especially children, women, people with disabilities being the most vulnerable group.
As part the efforts to give recognition and attention on mental health, the legal and human rights centre procures the services of an expert in psychology to enhance mental health programmes and attend her clients to ensure their mental wellbeing.
3. Goal.
The overall goal is to improve the mental welfare of the clients at legal aid clinics and provide support to legal and human rights center in the implementation of activities under their work plan.
The overall goal is to promote human wellbeing through actively striving for social justice.
4. Objective.
To engage a psychosocial expert to support legal aid provision to address mental health through promoting and providing psychological support and service to Legal Aid Clients.
5. Responsibilities
- Provide psychosocial support to legal aid clients and counseling services to legal and human rights staff and the clients
- To attend legal aid clients assigned to by the office coordinator/in-charge and provide social and counseling psycho-social support.
- Facilitate group therapy and support group sessions in coordination with the
legal and human rights staff. - Updated all clients attended (in the legal aid management system) including follow-
up sessions. - Provide capacity building to develop skills and abilities for legal and human rights staff.
- To provide monthly, quarterly and annual reports for the attended clients and submit it to coordinator/legal officer incharge.
6. Methodology
Attend the legal aid clinic office at least three days in a week, subject to the legal aid clinic timetable. Attended legal aid clients through one-on-one session to adhere with the rule of confidentiality.
7. Expected Outcome
To support legal aid provision and increase mental health awareness.
8. Key Deliverables
Submitting Monthly, Quarterly and Annual Reports to the office coordinator/ legal officer in charge.
9. Justification
Engaging a psychosocial expert to support legal aid provision and address mental health is a requirement under the Legal and Human Rights Annual Work plan for the year 2022.
10. Contractual Period.
A psychosocial expert contractual period will be a one (1) year contract which is subject to renewal.
11. Remuneration
Subject to negotiations.
12. Requirements
- BA/ BSc in Psychology
- At least five years experience working with psychosocial counsel based organization.
13. Application
To be sent through
lhrc@humanrights.or.tz Cc ljuma@humanrights.or.tz
Deadline 17th June 2022