LHRC organizes and facilitates a fun filled and educational youth Bonaza in Mwanza

LHRC organizes and facilitates a fun filled and educational youth Bonaza in Mwanza

Posted tokea miaka 2

In this May , the Legal and Human Rights Centre (LHRC) organized and facilitated a ‘Human Rights Clubs Sports Bonanza’ for thirteen (13) established Human Rights Clubs in Mwanza region. The main objective of organizing this fun and educational event was to empower youth with a better understanding of legal and human rights issues in Tanzania. The event was well attended by a diverse group of participants including; students and teachers, media, medical personnel, government officials, Tanzania Police Force representative, Tanzania Sports Federation representatives, and members of surrounding communities in Mirongo ward where the sports were conducted.

The event aimed at promoting youth understanding on legal and human rights issues in Tanzania through implementing the following approach:

a) Raising awareness on issues of violence against children (VAC)

b) Sharing best practices and raising awareness of protection mechanisms for protecting children’s rights

c) Developing a robust action plan towards child protection in Mwanza.

The Sports Bonanza took place in Mwanza, at Mirongo Sports Grounds, in Mirongo ward – in the Mwanza City Council. The 13 Human Rights Clubs involved came from the following schools namely; Pamba Secondary, Kabuhoro Secondary, Ole-Njoolay Secondary, Mbugani Secondary, Azimio ‘C’ primary, Azimio ‘B’ primary, Azimio ‘A’ primary, Mirongo Secondary, Nyanza C Primary, Mwanza Secondary, Nyanza 'A', Thaqaafa Secondary and SAUT-Mwanza.

The event was attended and officiated by Mr. Nyangi John Msemakweli – Ag. Regional Education Officer (Mwanza) who was representing the Mwanza Regional Commissioner – Hon. Robert Gabriel Luhumbi, the guest of honor of the Bonanza event.

The event was attended by a total number of 440 participants (students, teachers, medical personnel, media, and government officials); female participants were 236 which is an equivalent to 53.6% while male participants were 204, equivalent to 46.4%.

Children and youth (students) that were reached at this fun filled and education event (i.e. from 13 Human Rights Clubs) were 390 in total; female students were 221 (56.7%) and male students were 169 (43.3%).

This Human Rights Clubs Sports Bonanza facilitated a number of plays and games which included;

· Football match between Pamba Secondary school versus Mwanza Secondary, whereas Pamba secondary emerged the winner by beating Mwanza Secondary with 1 score.

· Also, a netball match which was conducted between Mirongo secondary versus Kabuhoro secondary whereas Mirongo secondary school (the host) emerged the winner by severely beating their opponent with10 scores against 1 score.

· Additionally, the Human Rights Clubs Sports Bonanza in Mwanza also had fun games such as ‘chasing chicken’ and ‘running with an egg’.

The event’s attendees (especially children and youth from the participating Human Rights Clubs) benefited from the legal and human rights advocacy and awareness raising that were delivered through a speech by the LHRC representative and the Guest Speaker; and also through youth-friendly publications which were disseminated during the event’s proceedings.

At the end of the competitions, LHRC granted awards (trophies and certificates) and refreshments such as soft drinks and bites to the winners and all participants. The certificates and trophies were an initiative to motivate the youth to become ‘LHRC youth champions’ to promote and protect human rights issues affecting children and youth in Mwanza region and neighboring communities.

Forward looking, the LHRCs Sports Bonanza developed the following recommendations as a call to action for all stakeholders, these are:

i) The office of Regional Commissioner in Mwanza to work on facts and recommendations found in Tanzania Human Rights Reports produced by LHRC towards addressing violence against children in the region with the partnership and collaboration with other development stakeholders including LHRC.

ii) LHRC to continue to conduct legal and human rights awareness in Mwanza schools in partnership and collaboration with the Mwanza RC’s office.

iii) LHRC, Mwanza RC’s office and the Police Force to exploit and implement best practices of addressing child abuse incidents which will help to keep children and youth safe from violence and any form of abuse in Mwanza region.

LHRC is committed still to realize a just and equitable society, ensuring inclusiveness of youth in national governance decision-making processes.