LHRC and CHRAGG are launching a review session to develop a national action plan on human rights in business.

LHRC and CHRAGG are launching a review session to develop a national action plan on human rights in business.

Posted tokea miezi 9

The Legal and Human Rights Centre (LHRC), in collaboration with the Commission for Human Rights and Good Governance (CHRAGG), is conducting a document review session to prepare a national action plan on Human Rights and Business. This session began today, May 20, and will run until May 25, 2024, at the Golden Crest Hotel in Arusha.
This session is focused on reviewing various documents and publications (Literature Review) concerning seven (07) sectoral priority areas approved by the National Executive Committee, which are: Extractives and Energy; Manufacturing and Processing; Agriculture and Blue Economy; Tourism and Hospitality; Labor and Transport; Digitalization Communication; Trade, Commerce and Finance.

The session aims to improve the assessment of the state of Human Rights and Business (National Baseline Assessment - NBA) conducted by the Commission and launched in 2017. This assessment was conducted in only a few areas of agriculture and business, tourism, extraction, labor, land, environment, and access to remedies after violations of the relevant rights. It aimed to understand the actual situation, especially the challenges related to human rights and business issues.