Production of Constitutional Rights related Articles
1. Introduction
Legal and Human Rights Centre (LHRC) is planning to engage a competent consultant who will work closely with LHRC team to identify, mentor and engage interested journalist to produce articles related to constitutional rights. The activity is originated from activity of the LHRC annual workplan.
2. Main objective
The overall objective is to increase citizen understanding on constitutional rights, with consideration of gender diversity and reach.
3. Scope of the work
The consultant will be required to coach the five journalists on how to write stories related to democracy, human rights, civic space, and rule of law. Furthermore, journalists are expected to gain knowledge from the consultant and ultimately to write two (2) articles per month.
4. Targeted number of articles
LHRC is intending to produce about 110 articles per year.
5. Date: The activity is expected to be conducted from February to December 2022.
6. Expected outcomes
a. Increased understanding of citizens on constitutional rights.
b. Increased debate in social media, mainstream media and community radio.