The secret to happiness lies in helping others. Never underestimate the difference YOU can make in the lives of the poor, the abused and the helpless.
Legal and Human Rights Centre (LHRC) is the Tanzania’s human rights advocacy organization.
About LHRCFor the LHRC to be able to forge its way in the realisation of its mission, it has a broad objective of creating….
About LHRCThis Report is taking Stock of Labour Rights, Land Rights, Tax Responsibility, Corporate Social Responsibility, Local Content Requirements, Corporate Environmental Responsibility, Corporate Respect for Human Rights, Business Environment, and Performance of Regulatory Authorities
"The LHRC has been extremely helpful to me, as I arrived in a very sad and despairing state, but they cooperated with me, built my capacity, and advised me until I obtained my right to inheritance"
"We are grateful to the LHRC for this report; this agenda on non-bailable offenses that will be debated in the incoming session of the Parliament, this has enabled us in expanding our knowledge so that we may contribute to Parliament regarding non-bailable offenses"
"LHRC is very helpful for us who are not financially capable because to seek an independent lawyer he/she will need enough money while I am not able to do so, and thus my basic rights would be lost because I am not able to find a lawyer, But LHRC supports us"
Human Rights Clubs
Community Radios
Legal Aid Clinics
Legal Aid Beneficiaries in 2024